What You Should Know Before Booking a Massage
Massage therapy offers numerous benefits, but like any other treatment, it comes with its own set of recommendations and precautions. To ensure your health and the well-being of those around you, it’s essential to meet certain criteria before scheduling a massage. These guidelines are in place to protect both you and the therapist, and following them is crucial to avoid any potential risks.
When Massage Is Not Recommended (Contraindications):
1. Infectious Diseases
Viral infections:
Certain types of warts
Viral conjunctivitis
Gastrointestinal issues involving vomiting or diarrhea
Bacterial infections:
Respiratory infections
Purulent skin conditions
Bacterial conjunctivitis
Fungal infections:
Skin or nail fungal infections
Fungal-induced pneumonia
2. Unexplained Fever or High Temperature
3. Pregnancy
During the first 14 weeks
High-risk pregnancies
4. Post-Surgery Recovery
Avoid massage within 6 weeks of surgery.
Avoid massage within 6 months following heart surgery.
5. Uncontrolled High Blood Pressure
Or irregular blood pressure levels.
6. Heart and Circulatory Issues
Conditions such as:
Heart failure
Recent heart attack
7. Cancer or Its Treatment
Massage is not recommended until 5 years of being symptom-free have passed.
8. Severe Mental Health Conditions
Such as:
Advanced dementia
By adhering to these precautions, you’re not only protecting yourself but also helping to create a safe and supportive environment for everyone involved.
Let’s take care of each other!